

For our barcode solutions, we use products from different brands. GLOBOS works across manufacturers because we want to select what we believe are the best products from different manufacturers.

In this way we can offer our customers many renowned brands and their excellent products for every need.

Excellent Service.

Many of our partnerships are even ‘excellent’.


As one of the world's leading suppliers, Advantech specialises in the production of robust industrial PC solutions for logistics, industrial manufacturing and heavy machinery. The company develops and produces solutions with the promise of quality "Made in Germany". These reliable and fail-safe products are entirely manufactured in Germany. Advantech provides barcode devices that are perfectly adapted to the harsh everyday conditions typically encountered in logistics environments where they defy even the most adverse outdoor conditions.

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As a specialist in automatic data collection, Datalogic supplies systems for production, retail, logistics and healthcare. Focus is on advanced solutions to satisfy needs arising from automation in everyday life and to facilitate the associated processes. Datalogic’s business development department is responsible for identifying future customer or market requirements and for developing products in good time. Datalogic is a full-service provider which manufactures innovative barcode scanners and mobile data collection systems for automation tasks.

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Honeywell is a global American manufacturer with subsidiaries in Germany for its main business segments. The brand places great value on sustainability. It is the Honeywell promise that all products contribute to: 1. more safety, 2. more convenience and greater energy efficiency, as well as 3. more innovation awareness and productivity. Honeywell's "Scanning and Mobility" division is a leading manufacturer of laser and imaging barcode scanners for reading virtually all linear and two-dimensional barcodes. Through the acquisition of Intermec and Datamax O'Neil, Honeywell also supplies a wide range of label printers.

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Printronix Auto ID

For more than forty years Printronix has met the highest demands associated with mission-critical industrial printing solutions. Their highly durable barcode printing products are deployed worldwide in production, distribution, trade and banking as well as general administration. GLOBOS supplies high-quality thermal barcode and RFID printers from Printronix Auto ID which serve to improve printing solutions in industrial environments.

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The American world leader in barcode and RFID technology traditionally offers high-quality and intelligent solutions. Zebra Technologies is renowned for its innovations and the reliability of its products. Barcode solutions digitise all work steps and bring transparency into processes. The resulting database can be reliably used to simplify decision-making and testing. Zebra products are primarily employed in retail, production and storage, healthcare, and distribution and delivery market segments.

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