Repair Services
Our extensive and flexible repair services ensure that your equipment delivers the long-term performance that you expect. Our team of technicians with their specialised expertise is available both in an emergency situation and to undertake preventive maintenance.
Long-standing close cooperation with our manufacturer partners results in an immense wealth of experience which is constantly expanded and updated through continuous training. Thanks to numerous manufacturer certifications our technicians can provide direct and in-depth support – for maintenance as well as repair.
Caring for consistently top performance
Any malfunction that occurs in an individual application or a system component can quickly lead to large-scale loss of operational performance. In order to avoid this as far as possible, we perform regular maintenance on the hardware and software components that you are using – as a complete system, even if it consists of hardware components from different manufacturers.
We offer a variety of services that can be included in hardware and software maintenance contracts which are individually tailored to your specific needs. In addition to regular maintenance, the scope of our repair service is determined by contract, so that, for example, you can expect immediate access to our stock of spare parts and wear components, can rely on predefined reaction times and working hours and have recourse to our service hotline free of charge.
In addition, we document the complete history of the hardware you are using and send you regular reports if required. The result is an overview of where each device is in use, when it was last serviced or also which repairs or modifications have been carried out and when. The information accumulated in this way is dependent on customer requirements and usually includes manufacturer, model name, serial number, IP configuration, operating system, firmware version, software versions, maintenance history, physical location and more.
Further to those previously described, we also offer the following support and service activities within the framework of a maintenance contract:
Intermediate storage of your software with all configuration details so that it can be loaded into new equipment or reinstalled after repairs have been carried out.
Individually configured backup equipment held in storage as immediate replacements for defective items.
Simple fault reporting
You can report faults by phone, fax or via our online form – directly and without delay.
Expert Service-Center
Technically trained staff in our service center offer telephone support for troubleshooting or arrange for one of our technicians to visit your site if the user is not able to resolve the issue.
Quick help in an emergency
Just in case the need arises, we offer an extensive repair and maintenance service under the terms of a maintenance contract. With clearly defined processes and our own certified technicians, we perform top-quality repairs in the shortest possible time. We will handle all the arrangements if it is additionally necessary to resort to the equipment manufacturer. Our services are performed subject to a flat rate or according to a cost estimate provided in advance, depending upon the details of the maintenance agreement. In all cases we guarantee the fastest possible support without unnecessary bureaucracy.
In order to keep downtime and your administrative costs to a minimum, we offer the following options:
Repair Center
We carry out extensive repairs and functional tests in our repair center which is equipped with the latest technology. When you send us a defective product, it is completely checked and overhauled by a technician who specializes in the same equipment type and manufacturer. Subsequently, the equipment is subjected to thorough testing to ensure full functional capability.
Loan equipment
If a major fault is determined with any of your equipment and this cannot be rectified on site, so that the device needs to be dispatched elsewhere, we will happily provide you with comparable, ready-to-use loan equipment to avoid downtime and tide you over until repairs have been completed.
On-site service
With our on-site service you have the option to call on a specialist technician to service your system directly at your company’s premises. Repairs that can be undertaken locally or the replacement of equipment can be carried out at once by a competent expert. If it is necessary to send equipment elsewhere for repair, we will arrange for this without further ado.
We make use of repair time to thoroughly check and service your equipment. After defective hardware has been replaced and the unit cleaned thoroughly, your equipment will be subjected to various functional tests during which the appropriate fine adjustments will be made. Not only does this assure full functionality but also extends the overall service life of the equipment.
Warranty produre
With our on-site service you have the option to call on a specialist technician to service your system directly at your company’s premises. Repairs that can be undertaken locally or the replacement of equipment can be carried out at once by a competent expert. If it is necessary to send equipment elsewhere for repair, we will arrange for this without further ado.
Communication with manufactures
We will take care of all appropriate arrangements in the case of a repair that needs to be carried out by the original manufacturer. We will report the need for repair to the manufacturer, arrange for forwarding the hardware and, after it has been repaired, we will test it for functional reliability. If during the course of final testing we discover anything unsatisfactory, we will repeat the process from the beginning. In this way we ensure that your equipment is returned to you in perfect operating condition.
Replacement party warehouse
We maintain a large stock of spare parts and ensure maximum availability of original items. As part of the maintenance contract, we can even commit to always holding stock of a complete set of potential spare parts for the specific equipment deployed by your company.